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or does life sucks?
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![]() How restaurants CHEAT
My family wanted to have one last CNY dinner so u suggested Ah Yat tian xia at OC upon seeing this ad....![]() $138 set dinner for 4 seems lyk a good value for money deal. esp since it promises abalone and shark fin soup. but alas, it was too good to be true. in fact, it totally SUCKED take for eg. the highly anticipated ABALONE. from the picture, we can see that the surface area of the mushroom accompanying the abalone is alr 1.5 times the abalone.... ![]() if you were to take a look at the side view, you would fairly estimate that the volume of the mushroom is twice that of the abalone >< compare it with the pic of the dish (at the bottom right hand corner of the poster) it so would realise that the poster is a big fat lie (that uses a big fat abalone) plus the type of veggie also different. unfriendly xiao bai cai with so little leaves. so unfair ): and the shark fin soup was more lyk yellow-y gooey liquid with jelly that attempts to be shark fin... oh wells.... but i guess the main focus of cny dinners isnt the food (right?) that's my ah ma (: (far right) i think she looks young for an 80-yr old haha (: |
![]() For the love of Chocolates
This week, i've recieved a total of 3 pack/bar/square of chocolate....in chronological order.... 1. the mars BAR My "nice" maths diagram during the last complex no. lecture earned me this sweet treat (: mrs tan is so nice. Esp since I dun think my diag is really deserving haha... 2. The pack of M&Ms I kinda specifically asked for PEANUT m&ms but somehow my angel was to lazy to get it and chose to buy the nearest substitue available at the cocoa tree booth.... (yes mark, the absence of peanuts in m&m matters!!! Haha just joking.) ![]() 3. The SQUARE Today i was pleasantly surprised to receive this choc square from my mortal!! YAY (: plus it's WHITE CHOC with NUTS. And i didnt even tell my mortal that i love WHITE CHOC, esp with nuts... (: (and contrary to popular belief, i didnt even demand/hint/suggest chocs to my mortal. really.) seems like i have a lot of affinity with white choc (: ![]() Here are some interesting chocs I found online... ![]() a new packaging design for chocolate factory... This packaging does nothing except to remind people how sinful chocs can be... With the excess bulk it ultimately contributes to your waist, thighs and butt ): ignorance is bliss. No honest choc pls. ![]() ![]() stylish packaging for Coco Chocolate by Ruth Pearson This packaging is really great! We shld never forget that eating chocs has it's benefits too!! And this is not considered self delusion okay (: back to top? |
![]() Bejewled!
my biggest achievement of the day:![]() isnt that an AMAZING SUPER DUPER HIGH SCORE? I know you must be thinking: “how isit possible?!?! It’s laura lee leh! How can?!” Yah lar. This wouldn’t be possible without the help of siling and wanting (: we kinda split the grid into 3 territories and displayed great teamwork and coordination.... and attained this outstanding result after 1hr 45 min of non-stop blitz bejeweled on my iphone… (Which drained my batt frm lyk 80% plus to 36%!) but the efforts paid off! WOOHOOO (: |
![]() About my blog (:
2 pressing questions you might be asking upon your first visit to this blog....Q: Everything just wonderful?!?! Is your life that wonderful? A: NOPE! it's meant to be IRONIC! if u didnt already realise that -.- it's aligned to fit my "slogan" -- LIFE SUCKS. i say that so often (and even more this year) that even tan hui min said it on tues before pharm chem. so unbelievable right? or maybe it's just that i'm too influential (: haha Btw, everything just wonderful is also the title of a song by lily allen, one of my fav singers (: Q: What's with the clouds with the wierd faces? A: Clouds are pretty and therapeutic to look at (: and i love cloud related stuff! for example... Loyal Army --- the brand of my current pokka dot hoodie(: and they have lots of other cute tees n hoodies and bags i hope to own....like this shirt... i watched it TWICE in the cinema. (the only movie i ever once on my birthday with animal farm in 3D (which was rather giddy-ish) and during 7D bio class outing... I remember feeling a huge sense of disbelief (and devastation) when i first realized that sad truth during a primary school science lesson... WHY? because it is never possible to lie on clouds. Even when they look so nice n full of fluffy-ness. If anyone were to attempt that, they would in fact fall right through and die. Looks are so deceiving... because it is never possible to eat them like candy floss. Even if it seems like it is the most heavenly thing ever. therefore, life sucks. back to top? |
![]() Everything Sweet
Tuesday is a freaking long day. 4 hrs of lesson with no break. and the only break is half hr long. I cant imagine surviving a day of tutorials and lectures without chocolate or other sweet alternatives... Everybody loves sweet stuff! Who can ever ever resist sweet stuff? (: Below r examples of how sweet things can be incoporated into LIFE to make it SWEETER (: ![]() oh my, i really want a whole role of vanilla ice cream cones hanging from the ceiling of my room.... how wonderful... (okay that is a little faraway...) ![]() my only problem with this poster is how "fat" seems to be associated with "cake"... since there is no correlation whatsoever.... evidence: i love cake and i am not (that) fat. At least not anymore (since P3:) Eating ice cream brings so much so much so much HAPPINESS (: (i dun understand why ppl (eg. ethel and leen) r ALWAYS so reluctant to WALK to island creamery for ice cream, esp b4 pharm chem...) the extend of happiness derived would be highly increased with the use of such happy packaging with happy colours!!! |
![]() Pharm-er
"Pharm-er" = people who take H3 pharmaceutical chem (and regrets it)during tutorial... me [panic & confused & lost]: why is this molecule chiral? why? why? tutor: VISUALIZE somehow the word VISUALIZE doesn't work its magic on me.... why? why? why? |
I smell yeast. I smell like yeast. It's like part of my aura now and i keep smelling it on my fingers): YUCKS ><I can't believe caiyong actually said it smells nice . "like FRENCH BREAD" ): If i'm french bread I would seriously be offended... okay enough of the huge jug of gooey pale yellow-y yeast andthe accompanying stench... i seriously hope there will be no more yeast during future bio pracs... the only consolation is that my yeast respired normally and happily today (: ...unlike the all horrible plants who didnt want to photosynthesize, resulting in really pathetic bubble counts despite repeated experiments with different plants... mr poh's hypothesis? " the plant dun like YOU.... don't like your personality..." so plants would rather starve themselves than let me count bubbles? ><
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